A V5-IRES-luci-2A-EGFP expression cassette was inserted before the stop codon TAA of mouse Cd8a gene to establish a multi-labeled knock-in model with V5, luciferase and EGFP fluorescent protein.
Vallidation Data
Figure 1. In the absence of any stimulation, the in vivo imaging system detected that Cd8aV5-IRES-luci-2A-EGFP/+ mice showed significant fluorescence.Â
Figure 2.  In vivo imaging validation of MC38 tumors in Cd8aV5-IRES-luci-2A-EGFP/+ reporter mice treated or not with a PD-1 mAb. After 1 day of stimulation with PD1 antibody, the fluorescence was significantly enhanced.
Figure 3. EGFP expression analysis in PBMC of Cd8aV5-IRES-luci-2A-EGFP/+ mice by flow cytometry.
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