Partnership and licensing

Applied StemCell, Inc (ASC) utilizes three core gene editing technologies, TARGATT™TM, SSELECT Sselect, and ceBE-XTM, for cell engineering. These powerful tools allow ASC to safely and efficiently introduce complex and mainstream modifications in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), HEK293 cells, CHO cell, and animal models.

ASC has exclusive rights for TARGATT™TM  from Stanford University. Dr. Ruby Chen-Tsai, Ph.D., ASC’s President and CEO, and Dr. Alfonso Farruggio, Ph.D., Head of Research and Development, are co-inventors of the knock-in technology, TARGATT™TM. TARGATT™TM  enables large fragment insertion, up to 20kb, at a pre-selected locus.

SSELECT Sselect, an enhanced gene insertion method, uses our newly engineered enzyme that facilitates the site-specific, single-copy insertion of large DNA fragments (up to 20 kb). ASC holds full rights for SSELECT Sselect.

ASC has the rights from Base Tx for the use of ce-BE-XTM. ce-BE-XTM is a highly efficient technology that permits the editing of multiple target sites in a single cell with zero off-target events. It is ideal for point mutation projects and gene knock-out studies.

When you partner with ASC, you don’t have to worry about obtaining any additional licensing, and you will receive full support from the scientists who worked directly on developing the gene-editing system. Licensing and partnership opportunities are available for preclinical research, product development, and biotherapeutic development worldwide.

Please contact us for more information about our efforts in these areas and about partnering/licensing opportunities.

Cell Therapy

  • TARGATT™-iPSCs for site-specific knock-in of any gene of interest up to 20kb
    • TARGATT™-iPSC Platform for Regenerative Medicine
    • TARGATT™-iPSC Platform for NeuroScience
    • TARGATT™-iPSC-iNK Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy Research (CAR-iNK & CAR-iT Cells)
  • Custom TARGATT™ Cell Line Generation
    • Use TARGATT™ to generate your own “Master” cell line
  • iPSC GMP Grade
  • Custom SSELECT Sselect Cell Line Generation, next-generation gene-editing for site-specific knock-in.
    • Use SSELECT Sselect to generate your own “Master” cell line
  • SSELECT Sselect stands for Site-specific, efficient, largecargo targeting.  SSELECT Sselect gene insertion technology allows the insertion of large DNA fragments in a safe genomic harbor locus at double-digit efficiency. It is applicable to both allogeneic and autologous cell therapy, as well as gene therapy.
  • Edit multiple targets in a single cell with an efficiency similar to editing a single target with no off-target events.


  • TARGATT™-CHO cell with large protein insertion at a safe harbor locus with stable protein production in a cost and time-saving manner.
    • Multiple hot spots are available
    • Use existing TARGATT™-CHO-K1 master cell line
    • Generate customized TARGATT™-CHO in your own preferred cells
  • TARGATT™ Rabbit for protein production

Cell-based Antibody Library

  • TARGATT™ system for stable protein expression at a defined safe harbor locus
    • At a pre-defined locus
    • Insertion with a single copy
      • High integration efficency (HEK293: >40% without, >90% with drug selection; CHO: ~18% without, >90% with drug selection)
    • An ideal platform for generating stable cell line libraries

Transgenic Animal Model

  • TARGATT™ mouse/rat large fragment knock-in (up to 20kb) at a safe harbor locus for controlled copy number insertion and ensured high transgene expression
  • Cre-rat models
  • TARGATT™-Alt™ for large fragment knock-in at any locus in mouse/rat genome
  • A novel gene editing methods with increased knock-in efficiency in mice/rats

Our Partners

Applied StemCell, Inc. has partnered with university researchers, suppliers, and prominent biotechnology companies throughout the world. We are especially thankful for the opportunity to have worked with many organizations.