Strategy Figures


Information of Knock-in Locus

Landingpage-ASKI-18001-Atp7b (H1071Q)-KI-Mouse-2

Result of in vitro Transcription of Cas9 and gRNA

Landingpage-ASKI-18001-Atp7b (H1071Q)-KI-Mouse-3

Figure 1: Agarose gel electrophoresis for in vitro transcribed Cas9 mRNA and guideRNA.

Genotyping Primer Sets for Identifying Homozygous, Heterozygous and Wild Type Mice

landingpage-aski-18001-atp7b (h1071q)-ki-mouse-4.01

Figure 2. For genotyping, PCR followed by Sanger Sequencing was used to identify homozygous, heterozygous and wild type mice.

The Alignment of F1 Mice Sequencing Result

landingpage-aski-18001-atp7b (h1071q)-ki-mouse-5

Genotyping Results

Landingpage-ASKI-18001-Atp7b (H1071Q)-KI-Mouse-4




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